Lincoln County Community Rights (LCCR) is a non-profit organization of ordinary people working to protect forests, wetlands, and the clean water that springs from them. Using grassroots activism we ran a successful campaign in 2017 which banned aerial spraying of pesticides in Lincoln County Oregon until the law was overturned 29 months later due to state preemption. LCCR has continued working to drive system change at the local level to protect the air, water, forests and wetlands which sustain us.
We increase public awareness of the legally-protected corporate practices that affect humans and nature.
How a Ragtag Group of Oregon Locals Took
On the Biggest Chemical Companies in World — and Won!

Internal documents from a chemical industry trade group detail an elaborate plan
to defeat a local ordinance banning aerial spraying of pesticides.
“We’re being accused of being eco-terrorists,” Maria Sause said. “But the way the laws are right now, the corporations have priority over the citizens’ right to defend their own health and safety. That’s terrorism.”…
…Like the ordinance in Lincoln County, a similar proposal in neighboring Lane County didn’t just specify that aerial spraying would be outlawed, it asserted people’s “inherent and inalienable right of local community self-government.” Both measures were inspired by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, which views the aerial spraying of pesticides as violations of citizens’ basic rights to clean air, water, and soil…