Category Archives: CRLC

Lincoln County Community Rights Movement

The Community Rights movement seeks to protect the right of communities to make local decisions, and people’s rights at the community level. It is a movement that is spreading nation-wide as one community after another confronts situations in which it has to defend itself from unwanted action by corporations claiming the right to do business in them against the will of the local population, based on laws dictated at the federal and state levels. Since corporations are granted the constitutional rights of persons, and are additionally protected by federal contract and commerce laws and by state preemption laws, their claimed rights are guaranteed more securely than the rights of common people. Today corporations establish themselves forcefully in communities to frack, extract water, extract oil, dump sewage sludge, install factory farms, spray pesticides, all against the wishes of the community in which they operate, in spite of causing severe environmental damage to it.

The Community Rights movement seeks to empower communities to take their destinies into their own hands by passing ordinances that prohibit the harms which corporations are poised to inflict on them. In the legal battles that ensue, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), founded by attorney Thomas Linsey, provides legal support to the community in question. 160 communities in 8 States nationwide have so far passed such ordinances, thus freeing themselves from the corporate-driven harms listed above. In Oregon, there are at this point 9 counties with Community Rights groups working on these local ordinances, grouped together in the Oregon Community Rights Network (OCRN), in which people from the various groups are cooperating on crafting an amendment to the Oregon Constitution that would establish the fundamental rights of natural persons, their communities and nature, giving them the power to enact local laws that protect health, safety, and welfare. – Maria Kraus

Whistleblower Videos Reveal Helicopter Spraying Workers with Weed Killers

By Rob Davis | The Oregonian/OregonLive

“Each year, helicopters spray weed killers on more than 165 square miles of Oregon timberland, an area larger than the city of Portland. They do it under the West Coast’s weakest regulations.”

“Last year, state records show, another Applebee pilot allowed weed killers to drift 400 feet into a neighbor’s front yard during a Seneca Jones spray operation in Douglas County. Several people complained of being sickened. The pilot and the company were each penalized $407.”

Read the story updated May 22, 2015 at OregonLive

Wrestling Local Power from Corporate Control

Join Community Rights Lane County for a presentation about how local communities are fighting corporations around the country from the President of the National Community Rights Network Cliff Willmeng, CELDF lawyer Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin, and Ann Kneeland.

This workshop presentation will explore provocative issues around democracy, the power of the corporate state, and communities’ rightful role in local decision-making. We’ll look at how the legal system presently subordinates communities and ecosystems to corporations, and how to change this.

Friday, May 22nd
6:30 – 8:30 PM
LCC Downtown Room 105

Community Rights Lane County