Category Archives: CELDF

Audio/Video – Thomas Linzey Presentation – Newport

We were very fortunate to have Thomas Linzey, Founder and  Executive Director of CELDF, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, in Newport on October 5th. During his “Oregon 2015 Community Rights Tour”, both he and Kai Huschke (CELDF’s Northwest Organizer) made Newport their third stop in their tour of six Oregon counties.


00:00 – 4:25_Rio Davidson (Opening Comments)
4:43 – 9:42_Kai Huschke (Introduction)
9:44 – 1:12:28_Thomas Linzey (Main Presentation)
1:12:28 – 1:25:20_Maria Sause (Closing)

Video link:

Thomas Linzey – CELDF, Executive Director
Kai-Huschke – CELDF, NW Organizer
Rio Davidson – Lincoln County Community Rights

Thomas Linzey – October 5th – Newport

Lincoln County Community Rights and its umbrella organization, the Oregon Community Rights Network, are bringing you a talk by Thomas Linzey, founder of the Community Rights movement and the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, helping communities nation-wide to assert their fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution at the local level.

October 5th, 7-9 p.m., at the Newport Senior Center, 20 SE 2nd St. (across the street from the Newport Rec Center).
If you have any questions, please call 541 961 6385, or write

Download a High Resolution Poster

Corporate Pesticide Use is More Protected than People’s Health

Every year in Oregon, including here in Lincoln County, millions of pounds of toxic chemicals are sprayed on our forests despite of the impacts to the health and quality of life for people and ecosystems.

Come learn why this is legal, how the state protects the rights of corporations over those of people and nature, and most importantly, how communities in Oregon and other states are changing the rules of the game. They are squaring up against the corporate harms and taking back their rights to health, resiliency, and greater democracy for people and nature.

Join us for a 90-minute presentation and discussion with Kai Huschke, Northwest Organizer, of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.

Location: Yachats Commons, Room 3
Wednesday, April 1, 2015, 6:30 P.M.

Workshop Provides Tools and Insight

Kai Huschke, Northwest Organizer for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund led nearly twenty participants through a 3 hour Democracy School at the Newport Public Library.

Hour 1 – Audio Download – MP3

Hour 2 – Audio Download – MP3

The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit, public interest law firm providing free and affordable legal services to communities facing threats to their local environment, local agriculture, the local economy, and quality of life.  CELDF’s mission is to build sustainable communities by assisting people to assert their right to local self-government and the rights of nature.

The primary focus of the condensed workshop included:

  • Why we have a corporate dominated, state-assisted structure of law
  • How it looks when communities try to find remedy within that system
  • What communities are doing to reclaim their rights for the sake of health and democracy for people, communities, and nature
  • How Oregon counties are moving “community bills of rights” to protect communities and move them towards sustainability

Please let us know if you are interested in further discussion of the workshop by contacting María Sause at, or by calling 541-961-6385.

Democracy School is dedicated to the memory of Daniel Pennock, a 17-year-old boy from Berks County, Pennsylvania, who died in 1995 after being exposed involuntarily to land applied sewage sludge. Daniel’s parents, Antoinette and Russell Pennock, have traveled across Pennsylvania to end the practice of sludge disposal by which waste management corporations reap massive profits hauling and spreading sludge on farmland. Their work has inspired ours. (CELDF)

Democracy School Workshop

Democracy School Workshop
February 2, 2015, 6:00 – 9:00 P.M.,
Newport Public Library

Communities across the country and Oregon trying to stop a wide range of threats – such as GMO’s, pesticides, fracking, factory farming, sewage sludging, water privatization – all run into the same problem: they don’t have the legal authority to say “NO” to what is harming them.

This 3-hour Democracy School workshop will lead you through the following:

• Why we have a corporate dominated, state-assisted structure of law
• How it looks when communities try to find remedy within that system
• What communities are doing to reclaim their rights for the sake of health and democracy for people, communities, and nature
• How Oregon counties are moving “community bills of rights” to protect communities and move them towards sustainability

Presented by: Kai Huschke, Northwest Organizer
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Free of charge, but donations are gladly accepted to cover the instructor’s travel and our publication expenses.

To register, and to obtain further details, call María Sause at 541 961 6385, or e-mail