We were very fortunate to have Thomas Linzey, Founder and Executive Director of CELDF, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, in Newport on October 5th. During his “Oregon 2015 Community Rights Tour”, both he and Kai Huschke (CELDF’s Northwest Organizer) made Newport their third stop in their tour of six Oregon counties.
Download: http://www.lincolncountycommunityrights.org/audio/ThomasLinzey_Newport_FullLength_10.5.15.mp3
00:00 – 4:25_Rio Davidson (Opening Comments)
4:43 – 9:42_Kai Huschke (Introduction)
9:44 – 1:12:28_Thomas Linzey (Main Presentation)
1:12:28 – 1:25:20_Maria Sause (Closing)
Video link: https://youtu.be/xd2CRmt4OPU